Thursday 5 January 2012

this makes me so happy.

i have this disease where i get goose bumps and shivers over random shit. i get it really bad during biggest looser. and coming second to that is when i was watching gotye at the belvoir.
i can just close my eyes and ill be there. i can remember every detail so clearly. i still get shivers everytime i listen to him. it's fucked. pure genius and huge inspiration.

Wednesday 4 January 2012

don't you hate.

finding something out you wish you never did, would make life so much easier.

Monday 2 January 2012

happy new year.

top ten new years resolutions for 2012

1. quit smoking cigarettes (or ill die)
2. get out of debt with my mum (or she could get over it)
3. be honest (or ill loose the people i love)
4. get real friends (not fake ones)
5. find a hobby (something that makes me happy)
6. exer-fucking-size (or ill get fat and die)
7. go over seas (experience life)
8. be a hell good chick to the family (so they like me)
9. be spontaneous (just cause)
10. love. live and learn.